Intro to English Studies

210 Wiki

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"Entering the Conversation" (Mike Rose, PDF at Bb)
"Why I Write" (George Orwell, Website)
Style, 5 and 6 (Joseph M. Williams, PDF at Bb)
"A Guided Tour of the Ghost Map" (Steven Johnson, Video)
"Rhetoric" (Stanley Fish, PDF at Bb)
"Our Priorities for Saving the World" (Bjorn Lomborg, Video)
"Debunking Third-World Myths..." (Hans Rosling, Video)
"Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire" (Errol Morris, Website)
Refrigerators (NYT Photos, Website)
"Shooting an Elephant" (George Orwell, Website)
"Aliens Cause Global Warming" (Michael Crichton, Website)
"Mink Liberation Turns Deadly" (Brian Bernbaum, Website)
"The Grounds of Critical Inquiry" (Hazard Adams, PDF at Bb)
"But I Have No Skills" (Rebecca A. Bryant, Website)

On 19th C. Irish Stereotypes (Michael O'Malley, Website)
Gatsby's Long Island (PDF)

Rhetoric (Slides)
Theory 1 (First Set of Theory Slides)
Theory 2 (Second Set of Theory Slides)
Writing as a Process (Quicktime Slides)
Cohesion/Coherence (Quicktime Slides)
Concrete and Abstract (Quicktime Slides)

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