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Digital Storytelling (Writing in the 21st Century) DS Tools - FJ Contact/Home - Recommend a Link? Please note that because of the nature of this course, link lists will continue to evolve as the class proceeds. Course Archives: Projects from the Past Course Review Slides from 2012 An Iconic Class, 2010 An Iconic Class, 2009 Supplemental Links Jump to a Week Christmas Break Homework Due at the first morning class meeting.
1.1: It's still winter break! (Don't come to class.) But do remember to do the homework reading for tomorrow's class session!
1.2: Introduction--Selection, Sequence, and 21st C. Literacy Due by Midnight After Class: Sequenced photos. (Instructions in class.)
Screening/Auditing Night
this course has a Tuesday night "screening" time (6:00-9:00). Actually, we'll do just two official evening
screenings: a
group listening time on this first Monday and then a screening on
Tuesday of week 3.
From Class Other/Related/From Class "Online Photo
Sharing in Plain English" (CommonCraft)
1.3: Audio Tale Telling Due Before Class:
Email me a brief MP3 file (45 seconds or less) recorded with Audacity,
Garageband, or another program to which you have access. Recordings with clever
content, sound effects, or evidence of mixing multiple tracks will get
the highest scores, though very basic audio snippets will do just fine,
too. Use your voice, at least a little.
Due by Midnight (After Class): Group audio story. (Instructions in class.)
Homework Listening
Ira Glass on
RadioLab: "Making
the Hippo Dance" (30 min.)
RadioLab: "War of the Worlds" (60 min.) This American Life: ("Music Lessons," as "Act Two.") Also here. (15 min.) LAME
mp3 Encoder for Audacity (Export mp3 Files)
Official Manual Create a Podcast Using Audacity (Don Schecter, About.com) Jason Van Orden's Video Tutorials (Good, But Dated Now) Basic Editing Tutorial by Dan Eliot (Also Clear But Dated) A Text-Based Tutorial GarageBand
Tutorials (Official)
Tutorial for GB Podcasting (Don Schecter)
More: Schecter on Podcasting with GB (Don Schecter)
Could be worth it to check here for more tutorials.
Great Audio/Radio
This American Life
(Ira Glass)
RadioLab (Robert Krulwich and Jad Abumrad) A Prairie Home Companion (Garrison Keillor) Other/Related/From Class
World's Most Generic News Report" (C. Brooker) (2 min.)
"Podcasting in Plain English" (CommonCraft) Creative Commons Podcasting Tools (inc. Legal Guide) "Making RadioLab" (RadioLab) "Jad and Robert: The Early Years" (RadioLab) Ira Glass Accepts Edward R. Murrow Award (PRI) Designing Media: Ira Glass (from Designing Media) Ira Glass for Current TV (Hosted by PRI): Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV 1.4: Graphic Design for Amateurs Homework Reading/Exploration
The Non-Designer's Design Book,
pp 10-80 (Intro through Chapter 5)
Optional additional
reading: pp 81-90
Scott McCloud's Six Transitions (Handout)Other/From Class
David McCandless: Data Visualization (TED 2010)
Hans Rosling's Stats Visualization (TED 2006) "Create Your Own Print Ad" (AdBusters) Kinetic/Animated Typography
and Other Animations
"Who's on
"The Girl Effect" From Monty Python From Fight Club From V for Vendetta From Pirates of the Caribbean From The Godfather From The Office From Napoleon Dynamite From Zoolander "Typolution" "The Cool Guys" (Tales of Mere Existence) "A Typical Conversation with my Mother" (TME) "Built to Last" Ronnie Bruce's "Declaratives" Typography Ira Glass on Creativity Infographics
Infographic Parody Infographic-Making Tools 50 Well-Designed Infographics (Hongkiat.com) David McCandless's Online Infographics Visual Complexity Infographics Blog Infographics Showcase Column Five Infographics Transparencies from GOOD Magazine DataVisualization.ch Infosthetics.com Chad Hagan's Nonsense Infographics Japan Before and After the Tsunami (NYT 2011) Mega Shark Plane Attack (Stephen Taubman) The History of Beer (Manolith) (Props to Chris Lanier for the initial great links here.)
10 Awesome Free Tools to Make Infographics (MakeUseOf.com)
5 Steps to Create a Powerful Infographic (Sneh @ Spyre Studios) Infographic Design (Anders Ross @ instantShift) 5 Types of Infographic + Tools to Make Them (Ann Smarty) Other/Related/From Class
Images from Your Computer's Screen <<<<NEED NEW LINK
Illustrated Bibles: one, two, three "15...Things Worth Knowing About Coffee" (The Oatmeal) "How a Web Design Goes [Wrong]" (The Oatmeal) Mark Coleran's Fake Computer Interfaces Mark Coleran's Interfaces in Action New Orleans Refrigerators Vintage Ad Browser IX Exercises (Ball and Arola) Garfield Minus Garfield 1.5: CopyLeft and Sharing Due At Class
Turn in a printed/made/drawn mock up/rough draft of the visual project
you've begun planning. (Don't give me your only copy! Photocopies are
fine.) On the back, or on a separate sheet of paper, list (1) the major
elements of your project, so far, and (2) the ways you see what you’re
doing making use of “CRAP” principles.
Homework Viewing/Reading
Lessig on Copyright Killing Creativity (20 min.)
Clay Shirky on Collaboration (20 min.) James Surowiecki on How Social Media Matters (20 min.) "How to Destroy the Book, Part 1" (Cory Doctorow) "How to Destroy the Book, Part 2" (Cory Doctorow) Sir Ken Robinson on Schools Killing Creativity (20 min.) Other/From Class:
Duke U's "Bound by Law" Comic on Copyright
Combo Creative Commons.org Creative Commons Videos/Media "A Fair(y) Use Tale" (Eric Faden, Bucknell U) "Fair Use" (US Copyright Office) "Share" (Habibman) The Internet Archive "Social Bookmarking in Plain English" (CommonCraft) "Rocket Radio" (William Gibson) "Myths Run Wild in Blog Tsunami Debate" (NYT, 1/3/05) William Gibson on Writing in the Age of Google Electronic Frontier Foundation "WhoseTube?" (Damian Kulash, Jr., of OK Go) "The Elephant in the Middle of the Glee Club" (ISP/Yale) Unglue.it “Surviving a Plague of Blogs: Strategies for Understanding and Managing Online News and Opinion Environments” (F. Johnson) 2.1: Comics Intro Print Project + Essay Due, End of Day (Extensions Available) Homework Reading
Understanding Comics
(Chapters 1-6, 8)
Other/From Class
2.2: Slideware 1 FJ's
Comics Page (Developing)
Maira Kalman @ NYT NYT Comics Page Best American Comics Series Hitchcock on the Kuleshov Effect Bayeux Tapestry Animation OnStar Advert Homework
Killer App?" (Ruth Marcus, WaPo)
Nancy Duarte on Presentations (First 37 Minutes) Duarte Design's Five Rules (5 min.) Presentation Zen, pp 5-43 (Chapters 1-2) Also Review (Should Take About
30 min.)
(AFI w/Sean Astin, 5 min.)
"History of Storyboarding" (Student Project, 7 min.) Storyboarding Bolt (Pixar, 1.5 min.) "Storyboards" (OSU) Spielberg on Storyboarding (AFI, 2.5 min.) "Storyboarding: 4-Minute Film School" (Indy Mogul, 4 min.) "How To Make a Storyboard" (Bunch of Kids, 2 min.) "Storyboarding Your Movie" (Eejit) "Storyboarding Your Movie" (Eejit) Owen Hill's Storyboard Gallery Indy Mogul Storyboard Template "Print Free Storyboards" (PDF Pad) "Storyboard Paper PDF Generator" (Incompetech) Other/Related/From Class
FD's Flickr Toys
"Life After Death By PowerPoint" (Don McMillan, 4 min.) "Chicken Chicken Chicken" (Doug Zongker, 4 min.) "The Gettysburg PowerPoint Presentation" (Peter Norvig) Duarte Design Homepage Slide:ology Homepage Slide:ology "Book Brief" (BNET) Duarte's Five Rules for Presentation Design (Explanation) "The Importance of Visual Storytelling" (Duarte) Speaking.Alltop.com AFI's "Screennation" Movie-Making Education Videos AFI "Screen Edcuation" PDF with Storyboarding Info 2.3: Slideware 2 Homework Reading
Presentation Zen,
pp 45-179 (Chapters 3-7)
Other/From Class
Garr Reynolds's Sample
Presentations @Slideshare
Gross "6x6" Slides Daniel Pink on Pecha Kucha Pecha Kucha.org Pecha Kucha Training Bite "Really Bad PowerPoint" (Seth Godin) "Educators
Question PowerPoint Usage" (NPR)
"PowerPoint Does Rocket Science" (Edward Tufte) "Stop Yr Presentation Before It Kills Again" (Kathy Sierra) Obama and Kennedy Bad (Fake) PowerPoints Power(Point) Ballad Prezi 2.4: Hypertext/Comics 1 Homework
Reading (Hypertext/Electronic Literature)
Cleary" (E. Falco)
"Tailspin" (C Wilks) "Deep Surface" (S. Moulthrop) (Spend 10 Minutes--Or More If You Want.) Chairlifted, "Met Before" (Hypertext + Video?!) (Keep going! The set of Comics readings below is homework, too!) Homework
Reading (Comics/from McSweeney's)
"Preface" (Ira
Glass, 6-7)
"Introduction" (Chris Ware, 8-12) "Charles Schultz's Preliminary Drawings" (C. Ware, 66-71) Artist Comics by Ivan Brunetti (13, 118, 264) Wild Palms Review (Milt Gross, 42) "We'll Sleep in My Old Room" (C. Ware, 72-75) "ctrl" (Richard McGuire, 186-91) "Portrait of My Father" (David Heatley, 259-63) Excerpts from Hotel and Farm (Ben Katchor, 171-85) 2.5: Hypertext/Comics 2 Due at Class Time: Basic plan/draft for slideware project slides. (Details TBA.)
Homework Reading (Comics/from
"Two Questions"
(Lynda Barry, 60-65)
"The Nightmare Studio" (Gary Panter, 100-4) "Strange Question" (Richard Sala, 121-26) "In the Shadow of No Towers" (Art Spiegleman, 129-35) from The Fixer (Joe Sacco, 142-50) "The Death of Thomas Scott" (Chester Brown, 154-70) "The Dead of Winter" (Debbie Drechsler, 208-13) from Clyde Fans (Seth, 221-31) PLUS: Explore "Four Derangements" Here (Daniel Merlin Goodbrey) (More likely to come...) 3.1: MLK Day. Stay Home. 3.2: Movies One Slideware + Essay Due at Class Time (Extensions Available) Required Screening
(Tuesday Night, 6:30-9:30)
The Royal Tenenbaums
(Meet with film terms group before and after screening.) Homework Reading
Yale Film
Analysis Site, Introduction and Sections 1-5.
Don't forget: Movie screening tonight (Tuesday). Other/From Class
ACMI Storyboard Generator
"Making a Good Movie" (AFI w/Sean Astin) "Weekend Extra: Shot Composition" (Indy Mogul) "Mise-en-Scene: 4-Minute Film School" (Indy Mogul) YouTube as a Reference Tool (NYT, 1/09) The "Grammar" of Film and Television (Daniel Chandler) Shot Types (Metacafe Production School) Shot Types (MediaCollege.com) "The Third and the Seventh" (Alex Roman) AFI Screen Nation YouTube Channel Dave Monahan at UNCW Robert Rodrighuez 10-Minute Film School (El Mariachi): Parts 1 and 2 3.3: Movies Two Homework: Required Screening of Royal Tenenbaums (Tuesday Night)
Due at Class Time: Paragraph on Plan/Ideas for Digital Story Project Due at Midnight After Class: Short Genre Film (Group Project, Begun in Class) Other/From Class
Screenwriting and Pre-Production Software
AFI's ScreenNation Site AFI's Film Education Handbook (PDF) AFI ScreenNation Videos on Filmmaking Process Metacafe Production School Indy Mogul (Amateur Filmmaking Tips) Jane Espenson (On Writing for TV) MediaCollege.com Joss Whedon on Writer's Opportunities in New Media 3.4: Hypertext/Comics 3
Due at Class Time: Film Term Definitions (Details TBA)
Reading (Hypertext) (This list will likely change...)
"Hypertext and . . .
Visual Literacy" (Bolter@Bb)
Explore: 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein Explore: "The Jew's Daughter" (J. Morrisey) Backup Link Here Explore: "Girl's Day Out" (Kerry Lawrynovicz) Other/Related/From Class
Reading Room
Eastgate's Hypertext-on-the-Web Links Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1 "Inanimate Alice: Episode 1: China" (K. Pullinger/babel) "Girl's Day Out" (K. Lawrynovicz) "Deviant: The Possession of Christian Shaw" (D. Leishman) Donnie Darko Site JospehCornellBox.com Cornell Boxes at WebMuseum Judd Morrissey Michael Joyce "Twelve
Blue" (M. Joyce)
Hypertexts Online (List) Author Page at Eastgate An Annotated Bibliography for Joyce (M. Shumate) 3.5: Online Journals, Online Art / Workshop (Watch for announcement re: how to approach these links.) Due at 5:00 Today:
Written update on Digital Story Project. Need to show evidence of
progress in your thinking about and development of your project.
Due at Class Time: One paragraph reviews for two online journals. (One from list "1," another from list "2," at the page linked right below here. The link called "Online Journals.") For maximum benefit, spend some time wandering around several of these online journal links to get a feel for what's going on "out there" with online creative work. Your reviews should consider what is well done about these journals and might also reflect on what it seems to take to make a really successful online creative journal work well. Not Exactly Literary
Journals, Worth a Look
(Visual Blog, Leading to This Book)
Found Magazine (Found Objects) Post Secret (Participatory Art) The Book Inscription Project (Found/Participatory) Mortified (Found/Participatory) Where the Heck is Matt? (Quirky Video Phenom.) You Are Beautiful ('Net Enhanced Participatory Art) McSweeney's (Voice of the McSweeney's Set) Wikipedia Vision (Data Art) Flickr Vision (Data Art) Jonathan Harris's Projects (More Data Art) The Darth Side (Satire) Garfield Minus Garfield (Visual Blog) Baby Name Voyager (Data Art) The Black Cab Sessions (Low Budget Live Music) The Electronic Literature Collection, Vol. 1 (Lots of It) Journalism and
Adapting Literary
Works for the Web
Growing Collections of Literary (and Other) Stuff Online
Also of Note 4.1: In-Class Work Day 4.2: TBA + Digital Story Due at Class Time 4.3: Final Essay Exam/Final Due Postscript: Other Links, Unsorted The Story of "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" Hacking and Tinkering (Annette Vee) Everything is a Remix Bill Wolff's "Remixing Composition in the Writing Classroom" Technology: Poetry and New Media (Rick Stevens, Poetry.org) "Local Bookstores, Social Hubs, and Mutualization" (Clay Shirky) "Will Books Survive? A Scorecard..." (EiM) "100 Years of Big Content Fearing Technology" (Ars Technica) On Twitter Backchannels (Vincent Rhodes) "Flash Mob Gone Wrong" (Ignite Presentation by Tom Scott) "Ze Frank's Web Playroom" (TED) Text-Based Games on the Kindle Book Drum The Waste Land iPad App PechaFlickr Writing Center Manifesto (Marquette U) Nancy Duarte on Presentations (Clips 1-7, 30 min.) Designing Media Online Text |