Several Kinds of Brilliance
(Updated Occasionally...)
- Dan Baltzer dB Online
- Zack and Gala Bent: (art)
- Sarah Berentson: Mama Doll (music)
- Nate Bolt: Think Bolt (design/programming)
- Thom Caraway: (writing)
- Jess Carfield: (film)
- Peter Davis: Art is Necessary (writing, music, art)
- Arrah Fisher: Arrah and the Ferns (music)
- Craig Flaming: The Creative Hand (woodworking)
- Mikey Fornicoia: Editor (film)
- Happy Friday Guy: Happy Friday Guy (exploits)
- Josh Garrels: (music)
- Tom Johnson: Inverted Staircase (film)
- Kristopher Knight: Film Portfolio (film)
- Sam Koch Life Skateboards (custom boards)
- Stefan Koch Indiana Ice Studio (custom ice)
- Scott Kolbo (art)
- Laurie Lamon: (writing)
- The Limners: Limner Society (art)
- Mark Miller: Dark Igloo, Stretch Daily (Bonus) (art, design exploits)
- Karin Partin: Karin Partin Photography (Bonus) (film, video, art)
- Kyle Ragsdale: Online Gallery (art)
- James Ratliff: Some is Better (art and design)
- Robert Rottet: (music)
- Nicole Sheets: Rambunctious Vernacular (writing)
- Terrible Buttons (music)
- Regen Ton and Matt O'Neill: The Runcible Spoon (food)
- Aaron Tucker: @Flickr (art)
- Kent Ueland: The Holy Broke (music)
- Chris Vorhees Sandbox (art)
- Devon Willson: Art and Photography (art)
- Brian Wyrick BW Online (music and design)