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How Can I Be Involved?

The nature of this endeavor--this grant giving--is such that not only students who have their own grant ideas and not only students who receive grants, but also a wide range of other students, will benefit.  This page and the next will explain how.


Students on grant teams will, of course, be involved in the planning and execution of an impressive grant project, and (at the same time) a major New Media production.  Plus, they'll be getting experience working as a skilled member of a team full of skilled members, all doing different jobs.  (It may seem funny, but the film Oceans Eleven is actually a pretty good metaphor for this kind of team work.  So is The Great Escape, if you're looking for a more classic example.)  Employers in all sorts of areas are looking for employees with these kinds of experiences.


Beyond that, iComm will work on a case-by-case basis to try to set up independent study credits for team members: so the project may end up supplying you with course credits, too.


Plus, depending on how your project's budget works (and what role you play in that budget), you may very well be be paid a stipend out of the grant money.


But what if you don't have a project idea?  And what if you don't end up being awarded one of these four grants?


Yeah, What If . . .? >>>